Thursday, 19 September 2013

Screen problem switching off LG flatron 19 inch repair

Screen problem switching off LG flatron 19 inch repair

In this video I repair a LG Flatron 19 inch screen which works for a few seconds and then the backlights switch off (2 sec to black). I  go through the disassembly, troubleshooting and repair steps. Note larger capacitors retain a charge even after mains are disconnected.

Ps3 super slim disassembly

LG Flatron W2230S screen backlight problem not capacitors

LG Flatron W2230S screen backlight problem not capacitors

This screen had a problem where the backlights would switch off after a few seconds. After checking the inverter board and capacitors which turned out to be good, I ended up removing and and resoldering a CCFL lamp which sorted the problem.

Android tablet not switching on not charging